A Call to Prayer & Fasting

by | Jan 7, 2021 | Current Events, Prayer

My heart grieved as I watched the events unfold yesterday in our nation’s capital as a mob of protesters forced their way into the Capitol Building in Washington, DC. Regardless of political persuasion, as Christians, we must condemn the violence and hostile insurrection that led to the deaths of 4 individuals and displayed reckless disrespect of law enforcement and our governing authorities. Sadly, it is only the latest manifestation of the growing hostility, deep division, and moral decay in our country.

As believers, we know that the only hope for mankind and the ills of society is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our hope is not in any political party, leader, or even in our great nation. Our hope is in the power of God working through the Gospel to regenerate hearts which are dead in sin. Our hope is in the power of God awakening souls to the depravity within and to cause them to call on the only Savior, Jesus Christ.

What we need is for the church to remember its mission to be salt and light in the world and to unashamedly proclaim the hope of the Gospel as ambassadors of Christ. Our identity is not rooted in a political group or any man-made movement. Our identity is rooted in the King and His Kingdom! We are Christians first and the expansion of this Kingdom and the glory of our King Jesus should be the overwhelming desire of our hearts. As we learned a couple of Sundays ago in Joel 2:12-17 – “Yet Even Now…” the Lord is able to move in our land in ways beyond our imagination if we turn to him with all our hearts.

To that end, I am calling for a coordinated, collective, church-wide hour of fasting and prayer during the lunch hour tomorrow – Friday, January 8 – from 12-1 pm. Let’s fast and pray for a movement of the Holy Spirit in our nation like we have never before seen in our lifetime. Let’s pray for the advancement of the Gospel and the Kingdom of Jesus.

Join me in praying for the following:

1) For our own hearts to turn to Jesus, repent of any sins withheld from him, and to receive the power to live boldly for him in love and truth.

2) For our leaders to govern us in peace and for law and order and justice to prevail in the land.

3) For the church to engage society in word and deed so that the world may see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven.

4) For a revival among our land of many dead souls coming to life through the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

5) For the love of Christ to rule and bring peace where there are division and animosity.

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