A Response to the Reversal of Roe v. Wade

by Jun 25, 2022Current Events


Yesterday, the Supreme Court overturned the highly controversial Roe v. Wade decision made 50 years ago. Though we know this isn’t the end of abortions throughout the United States, this is a massive step in significantly reducing them. We celebrate and praise the Lord for this decision!

Scripture teaches us that mankind is made in the image of God. As Christians, we are called to value all human life. We believe that life begins at conception and we must fight to protect and defend it. We must also understand that there are many who are disappointed in this reversal and see it as an attack on women’s rights. Though we disagree with this view, we need to remain Christlike in how we lovingly point people to the truth of Scripture.

As Christians, we aren’t just called to defend life but to promote life and human flourishing. This includes promoting a biblical sexual ethic that will hopefully reduce unwanted pregnancies. Likewise, it means seizing the many opportunities that are sure to come to be the hands and feet of Christ, serving those in need. We should prayerfully consider what our role will be. For some, they will follow the Lord’s calling to foster or adopt children into their family. For others, it will mean using their time, money, and efforts to support crisis pregnancy centers, women’s advocacy centers, and organizations that provide education and women’s health care services.

We must be ready to open our arms and walk alongside women, children, and families who are in crisis as they navigate unplanned pregnancies. We must lovingly point them to God’s word and God’s will so they can experience hope in the way of life. We should also remember and pray for those who have walked through an abortion and minister the grace of Jesus to them.

Most importantly, we must remember our mission and proclaim the Gospel to lead many to the eternal life that comes through faith in Jesus. Brothers and sisters, we must do more than just celebrate this moment. We must rise up as a church to love, serve, and pray for our community to see life flourish and new life in Christ spread to all around us.

Afshin Ziafat
Lead Pastor
Providence Church

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