The Kingdom As God Designed It To Be

Week of 1.8.2023 | Weekly Focus

Out of the perfect love that existed between the three persons of the Trinity, everything came into existence. God creates and establishes His kingdom on earth out of love, desiring for His creation to enjoy the harmonious relationship He already had since before time began. He is not a God who was lacking in anything. He did not need creation to fulfill Him. Creation is the overflow of His love and it was designed to bring Him glory.

Let’s look at all that God created and think about how wonderful it would have been to hear the voice of God speak and see creation obey perfectly, jumping into action to form His Kingdom, just as He designed it to be! God is an amazing Creator!

Memory Verse

Job 12:10: In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind.

Prayer Focus

Family/Friends: Pray for the specific needs of your family and friends
Providence Church Staff: Weyland Glenn- Executive Pastor
Local Church: The Trails Church, Matt Boswell
Local School: Riddle Elementary
Mission Partners: Victoria Wheeler
Global: Unreached People Group- Turk (Turkey)