Advent: Week Three

Week of 12.11.2022 | Day ThreeMicah, a prophet whose name means, “Who is like Yahweh (God),” spoke warnings much like the prophet Isaiah. He draws attention to the sins of the people and reminds them of the goodness of God, urging them to repent and turn back to Him....

Advent: Week Three

Week of 12.11.2022 | Day TwoIsaiah was another prophet sent by God to warn the Southern Kingdom, Judah, of the judgment that would come because of their wicked unfaithfulness. Isaiah encountered the Lord through many life changing visions that left him aware of his...

Advent: Week Three

Week of 12.11.2022 | Day OneLast week we focused on how the covenants between God and His people prepare us for Advent. Each one brought out a different element of God’s good plan for His kingdom. The covenants were a reminder of God’s faithful love. Trouble remained...