Your spiritual life may be personal, but that doesn’t mean it’s supposed to be private.

Community groups are the primary expression of biblical fellowship at Providence. They’re a place for you to study God’s Word alongside others and experience accountability, encouragement, and support. Your community group is a place to be known and know others. 

Community Groups

Community groups meet in homes across Collin, Denton, and Dallas Counties, primarily on Tuesdays and Thursdays. While the personality of each group looks a little different than the next, all groups reflect the Providence community and emphasize times of Bible study, prayer, and mutual encouragement.

Groups are assigned based on geographic location, meaning you will be around the people who live closest to you. This also means that you’ll be doing life with people from various generations and diverse backgrounds. Over time, these people will likely become your closest friends and sources of support.

What about my kids?

We want the entire family to experience community together while offering parents freedom to focus on conversations around them. Each community group arranges its own childcare, often times in the same home where the parents are meeting. When you join a group, your leaders will walk you through the arrangements.

Find Your Group


GroupConnect is the best opportunity for you to meet others, learn more about the values of group life at Providence, and get the answers to your most pressing questions. You will even leave having been connected with your new leaders! GroupConnect happens twice a year at the beginning of the fall and spring school semesters.

Next Gathering: August 10 | 6:30-8:00 pm

Explore Open Groups

Too excited to wait for the next GroupConnect? You can browse open community groups online, find one near you, and even connect with the leaders to learn more. You can also contact for personalized help in finding a gathering that works best for your family.


We often struggle with knowing how to read our Bibles or maintain an ongoing prayer life. Huddles provide the hands-on training and accountability that will help you develop these important habits.

Bible Studies

Bible studies provide the chance to not just study God’s Word, but learn how to also understand it better on your own. Each study goes through a book of the Bible and helps you grasp it’s major themes.

Freedom Groups

Discover victory over stubborn strongholds and experience hope for enduring suffering. In Freedom Groups, we get to the root level of these struggles and glimpse them through the lens of the gospel.

More Connection Opportunities

Gospel Outreach Teams

Gospel Outreach (GO) Teams are close-knit groups of individuals learning how to share the gospel and putting it into practice. Involvement in GO Teams is a commitment for a semester and includes a combination of study and evangelism.

Empty Nester’s Group

This group is designed for older adults who are looking for fellowship among others their same age. They enjoy potlucks and other events to support one another. These gatherings serve as a supplement to time in community groups.

Grandmas in Prayer

This special group of older women meets weekly on Thursday mornings to pray for their families, the church, and the world around us. The meetings start in a larger group format before ladies pair off for more in-depth prayer and fellowship.