Providence Students exists to build a community of kingdom-minded disciples who are equipped to engage the church and the world with the gospel.
We are focused on discipling and raising up the next generation. We do this through gospel-centered teaching in the context of community. Our hope is that every student who comes into our ministry finds a place where they are known and loved by both their peers and their leaders.

Wednesdays | 6:30-8:30 pm
Each week at Ignite, students gather at 6:30 pm for games, worship, in-depth teaching, and small groups. Ignite is for all students in 7th-12th grade. The evening starts in the worship center for a large group gathering, followed by small group time. Each group is led by an adult and includes students of the same age and gender.

Second and Fourth Sundays of the Month | 12:30-2:00 pm
The Bridge is a transitionary ministry for 5th and 6th graders that takes the place of their involvement in Providence Kids and Providence Students. The Bridge is designed to help you and your student navigate the rapid transitions ahead. Students are introduced to deeper studies in God’s Word that will prepare them for the student ministry while looking at its implications for the unique challenges they’re facing in school and home today.
Your Student’s Safety
We take the safety of our children and students very seriously. Providence upholds the highest standards in screening and training of our team. All volunteers with kids and students are known individuals within the church who have completed a criminal background check, child abuse awareness training, and a personal safety screening. Additionally, no adult is permitted to work alone in any setting with a minor. If you have any questions about policies or procedures, please feel free to reach out to our team at for more information.

Serve with Students
If you love working with students and you’d like to make an impact on the next generation, we would love to meet you. Simply complete the initial application and we will be in touch with you soon! Please note that a criminal background check and a completed safety training is required for all volunteers working with children or students at Providence.