Worship is an outward expression coming from the overflow of the heart.
At Providence, our worship services are times of intentional celebration and remembrance of what Jesus has done for us. Through the songs we sing, we express what we believe about God and confess our need for him.
The Songs We Sing
Last Week’s Set List: March 23, 2025
All My Boast Is In Jesus
He Who Is To Come
Behold Him
How Marvelous
Providence Worship Collective
Providence Worship Collective is a community of artists and servants who lead Providence Church in Frisco, TX.
We exist to lead the gathered church through musical worship and liturgy that is rooted in God’s Word, stirs our affections for Jesus, is empowered by the Holy Spirit, and informs all-of-life worship, while creating songs and resources for the local church.
2024 | Jesus Christ Our Victory
Listen | Worship Resources
2022 | His Name Shall Ever Be
Listen | Worship Resources
What to Expect on Sunday
On Sundays, we worship through a mixture of music, liturgical readings, prayer, and by opening God’s Word together.
Prepare Your Heart
The worship experience starts long before you arrive. Enjoy these resources to help you prepare your heart for Sunday.
Join The Team
Join our team of vocalists, musicians, production artists, and technicians who lead the church each Sunday.