January 14-February 3

2024 is shaping up to be a watershed year in the life of Providence Church. After years of dreaming, praying, and preparing, we’re only months away from breaking ground on the expansion of our home on Preston Road. But all of the efforts to build these facilities, expand our reach, launch more church plants, and send more missionaries are in vain if Jesus doesn’t go before us. We are dependent on his wisdom, provision, and blessing. “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain” (Ps. 127:1).

As we enter into this crucial year, we invite you to join us for 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. Beginning January 14, we’re setting aside this special season to confess our dependence on the Lord, ask for his guidance, and thank him for his blessing in this important endeavor.

How It Works

Beginning January 14, we’re praying together using a special guide that will be available in the Providence Church Mobile App. Each day, you’ll discover a Bible verse or passage to meditate on, an explanation of the daily focus, and prayer points to guide you throughout the day. Each daily prompt is designed to work alongside your normal quiet time and address a specific aspect of the Entrusted & Sent vision.

As you’re praying, we also encourage you to invite your Community Group, Huddle, or a group of friends within the church to join you. It’s also a great idea to fast in some way. You can fast by abstaining from a daily meal, social media, or anything that may be a distraction in this season. Here’s a look at our prayer schedule:

Week One Focus: Our New Facilities

January 14: Prayer for remaining permits and regulatory hurdles
January 15: Prayer for the safety of our contractors and workers
January 16: Prayer for the future ministry in our new worship space
January 17: Prayer for the children impacted by the new kids’ space
January 18: Prayer for the students impacted by the new student space
January 19: Prayer for new residents pouring into our area
January 20: Prayer for our future impact and reach throughout the community

Week Two Focus: Local & Regional Sending

January 21: Prayer for our homes and families
January 22: Prayer for our immediate neighbors
January 23: Prayer for our workplaces and coworkers
January 24: Prayer for our teachers and schools
January 25: Prayer for our community groups and their leaders
January 26: Prayer for our current church-planters and pastors
January 27: Prayer for new church-planters and pastors to rise up

Week Three Focus: International Sending

January 28: Prayer for unreached people groups around the world
January 29: Prayer for the persecuted churches
January 30: Prayer for our existing missionaries
January 31: Prayer for our partner organizations
February 1: Prayer for new missionaries to rise up
February 2: Prayer for God’s intervention in current conflicts and suffering
February 3: Prayer for the Tenebra people and the Bible translation project

Download the Mobile App

Don’t have the mobile app? Download it now to get the latest updates in the church and access the 21 Days Prayer Guide! Beginning January 10, you’ll be able to find all of the content from the home screen.

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