Is Your Heart Prepared?

by | Nov 28, 2021 | Advent

As we celebrate Advent together, we want to help you approach this season with purpose and intentionality. This post is part of a four week devotional series designed to guide you toward Christmas day. Spend some time reading this with your family or some close friends, then take some time to answer the discussion questions together.

Read: Luke 1:1-25

Is your heart prepared to welcome the king? Do you long to see his coming?

Luke’s gospel begins with Zechariah and Elizabeth, who were “righteous before God” and who walked “blamelessly in all the commandments and statutes of the Lord.” Not only had this couple long desired to have a child, but like many Israelites, they longed for God to send his Messiah to rescue Israel.

And yet, even after years of faithful prayer, when the Lord in his kindness answered these prayers, what was Zechariah’s response? Shock, fear, and doubt! Gabriel’s reminder that “I stand in the presence of God, and I was sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news” was a reality check for Zechariah of the power and presence of God. Nothing in this sin-wrecked world can stop the intentions of God. And part of God’s intentions for this world included giving Zechariah and Elizabeth a son, John, who would prepare people’s hearts for the arrival of the long-awaited Messiah.

As we prepare to remember this magnificent time of welcoming Christ into the world, may we respond with the worship he deserves. John came to make ready for the Lord a people prepared. And now, this side of the cross, we eagerly await for the day Jesus will return and restore the world as God originally intended. Just as John prepared people for Jesus’ first arrival, may we make ready for the Lord a people prepared for his second arrival!

Discuss With Others

When in your life have you seen God answer a prayer and were shocked at the answer? What does this reveal about how you view God?

Are you excited about the second coming of Christ? Who do you need to share this good news with, and how will you share it this week?

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