Week of 1.29.2023 | Weekly Focus
The peaceful beginning of God’s kingdom takes a terrible turn. Adam and Eve’s position as rulers and representatives over God’s kingdom comes under attack by a sneaky enemy who deceives them into doubting God and His loving character. Adam and Eve decide they want to be more than just God’s representatives, they want to be like God and take control of the kingdom. They rebel and eat the one thing God had told them not to eat. Sin enters the world. God’s perfect kingdom is broken. There is no longer peace in creation. But God is not shaken by this attack on His kingdom. One day He would send the perfect King to restore His kingdom, just as He designed it.
Memory Verse
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus.
Prayer Focus
Family/Friends: Pray for the specific needs of your family and friends
Providence Church Staff: Samantha Andrade- Associate Director of Prov Kids
Local Church: Citizens Church, Jamie Roller
Local School: Centennial High
Mission Partners: Pioneer Bible Translators – Tenebra Project
Global: Unreached People Group- Fulani (Africa)