We are a family who serves together.

The Bible tells us that Jesus didn’t come to be served, but to serve. As his followers, we strive to take on the same mindset. Serving is one of the best ways to get involved at Providence. There are numerous opportunities to volunteer your gifts, time, and talents to impact others.


Help create a fun and safe environment where kids encounter the life and message of Jesus every weekend.


Use your musical or production skills to create a vibrant worship experience on Sundays.


Foster a welcoming environment for members and guests alike each Sunday morning.


Mentor and disciple students on Wednesday nights and special events as they navigate their teenage years.


Manage and assist with major events and routine administration in the office that keeps the church moving.


Help tell the story of Providence through photography, video, graphic design, and creative writing.

Security & Medical

Ensure a safe environment for individuals and families as they come to worship each week.


Teach, mentor, and facilitate discussions in small groups and Bible studies happening throughout the week.


Help plan and set up for events, facilitate small group Bible studies, and more!