March 9, 2025
Jesus’ face is firmly set toward the cross and the religious leaders are actively seeking a way to put him to death. As the betrayal and arrest of Jesus draws nearer, he gathers with his disciples for a Passover meal. Through the bread and the cup, he gives them a picture of his coming sacrifice and the New Covenant he ushers in. Tomorrow we’ll follow his command to “do this in remembrance of me” as we celebrate the Lord’s Supper together.
Spring forward tonight and join us tomorrow at 8:00, 9:30, or 11:00 am!
This Week’s Set List
Worship is an outward expression coming from the overflow of the heart. At Providence, our services are times of intentional celebration and remembrance of what Jesus has done for us. Through the songs we sing, we express what we believe about God and confess our need for him.
Here’s our set list for the weekend:
Holy Forever
I Set My Hope on Jesus
Jesus Paid It All
This Week’s Prayer Focus
As part of our worship and fellowship together, we pray over specific local churches, schools, missionary partners, and unreached people groups. This week, you can join us in praying for:
Local Church: The Trails Church
Local School: Phillips Elementary School
Missions Partner: Mark and Amanda
Unreached People Group: The Bania People of India
Study Guide for Luke 21:5-38
How To Use This Guide
This guide is designed to take you deeper into the points of the Sunday morning message and the passage we’re studying each week. The guide is divided into two parts.
Read, Reflect, and Respond guides you through your own personal study of the message text, preferably before you arrive for the service on Sunday morning. This section uses the HEAR journaling method, which is an acronym for highlight, explain, apply, and respond.
Discuss With Others is designed to help you take the things you’ve learned in your personal study and the message and discuss them within the context of your small group.
Read, Reflect, & Respond
Highlight: Begin your Bible reading time with prayer then highlight verses that stand out to you as you read the passage. Note any words or ideas you want to dive deeper into and pay attention to repeated or emphasized words and phrases. This is the “observation” process – looking at the who, what, when, where of the passage.
Explain: What is the context of the passage and the author’s intended meaning within that context? This is where you can consult a study Bible or commentary. What did the passage mean to the original listeners? Was there something in their context that was being addressed? This step is to understand what the meaning of the passage was then before you seek to understand what the applied principle is today.
Apply: What is the principle to live by today? This is when you turn the focus to your own life, setting, and culture. What is the principle that applies to your own context?
Respond: How will you respond to the application in your relationships and/or situations this week? This recognizes that the Bible is not just a set of truths to know, but is actually a guide to live by.
Discuss With Others
Use your community group time to have some conversation around the message. Start your discussion by inviting someone to read the passage aloud in its entirety.
What are the signs Jesus mentions that will precede his return, and how does he describe them? How do we see these fulfilled in later Scripture and in the Fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD?
When studying last things, why is it important to let Scripture interpret Scripture, not simply the current news? How would his teaching land on his original audience?
What does Jesus mean when he tells his disciples to “be on your guard” and “not be deceived” (v. 8)? How is it comforting to know that God has given us his Spirit and Word to help us?
How is hardship and suffering an opportunity, not an obstacle, for our gospel witness?
How does knowing that “not a hair on your head will perish” (18) give you confidence and assurance to live now in light of the future?
In what area(s) of your life do you need endurance? Are you weary? How can the church and your community group help you to persevere?
How can we apply Jesus’ teaching about being watchful and not weighed down by the cares of this life so that we can stand confidently before the Son of Man (34-36)? What promises from God’s Word helps fight doubt, anxiety, fear, etc.?
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What to Expect
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